Saturday, 8 June 2013

Placement Update

Hey everyone!

So you're probably wondering why I haven't posted anything in regards to my placement, which was supposed to start on Wednesday. I figured I should update everyone as to why this is so if you hear anything from my parents you aren't surprised!

1.) I have had some placement issues. When I arrived last Friday they informed me I would be going to Siem Reap to work in an NGO there. On Tuesday, they told me this was no more and to wait it out while they found something. They hastily phoned around and ended up getting me something last minute at CCIM (Cambodian Center for Independent Media).

During the few days I had I did a lot of thinking about whether or not NGO work was something I really wanted to do, as when I signed up it was called the "human rights" program as opposed to "working with NGOs" as it is now. I decided instead to switch to childcare and teaching. I'm doing a split placement in Siem Reap starting on Wednesday Tuesday!!. Strictly orphanage work for 2 weeks (it can't be longer as the kids are very small and get attached to long term volunteers) and then teaching/orphanage work for the rest of my time here. This might come as a shock to whoever is reading this, but I wanted to be happy while I'm here since it is 11 weeks and I felt like the NGO work I was given would just make me want to count down the days until I go home, not dread going home.

2.) I was extremely ill and couldn't have gone to placement even if I had one. Refer to previous post if you missed my illness. I am better now though! I feel great and probably have a gastrointestinal system of steel after what it went through.

Here's another adorable photo of some street kids to keep happiness levels up!

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